How to Get Approved for a High Risk Merchant Account 2024 guide
How to Get Approved for a High Risk Merchant Account 2024 guide

You’re an online business owner with products or services considered high risk by banks and traditional credit card processors. Getting approved for a High risk Merchant Account to accept credit cards can be frustrating, with rejection after rejection. But there is hope! specializes in getting high risk merchants approved for payment processing. In this article, you’ll learn their application process, fees, and tips for getting approved on the first try. With the right merchant account provider, you can start accepting credit cards and growing your business. Read on to learn how can help you get the high risk merchant account you need.

What Is a High Risk Merchant Account?

A high risk merchant account is a type of payment processing account offered by certain credit card processors and merchant account providers to businesses considered “high risk” due to the nature of their industry. High risk merchant accounts allow these businesses to accept credit card payments from customers, even though they may have a higher risk of fraud, chargebacks, and other issues.

Why Would a Business Need a High Risk Merchant Account?

Some businesses like online sites, entertainment companies, travel agencies, and tech support companies may have trouble getting approved for a standard merchant account. The reason being that these industries tend to have higher risks of fraud and chargebacks. A high risk merchant account provides a solution for these businesses to still be able to accept credit card payments from their customers in a legitimate and compliant manner.

What Are the Fees for a High Risk Merchant Account?

High risk merchant accounts typically come with higher fees due to the increased risks. Some fees you can expect to pay include:

  • Application and setup fees: Covers the cost of reviewing and approving your account. Usually a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
  • Monthly fees: Includes statement fees, gateway fees, and minimum monthly volume fees which tend to be higher for high risk accounts. Around $30 to $500 per month.
  • Transaction fees: The percentage charged for each transaction. Typically 3-5% for high risk accounts compared to 1-2% for standard accounts.
  • Chargeback fees: Fees incurred when a customer disputes a charge. Usually $15 to $100 per chargeback for high risk accounts.
  • Reserve or rolling reserve: A percentage of each sale held in reserve by the processor for a period of time to cover potential chargebacks. Typically 10-25% for 3-6 months.

While the fees for a high risk merchant account are higher, they do provide a viable option for higher risk businesses to accept credit cards and operate legitimately. The key is finding a processor experienced with high risk accounts that offers competitive rates and quality service.

Why You May Need a High Risk Merchant Account

Your business is considered “high risk”

Certain businesses like online, entertainment, travel, and companies are labeled as “high risk” by most payment processors and banks. If your business falls into one of these categories, you’ll likely struggle to get approved for a standard merchant account. A high risk merchant account provider is experienced with these industries and able to properly assess the risk.

You have a high chargeback ratio

If you frequently experience chargebacks, where customers dispute charges and request refunds, most payment processors will deem you too risky. High risk providers expect a higher chargeback ratio and have the means to account for it. They may require a rolling reserve, where a portion of your sales are held in reserve to cover future chargebacks.

You have poor personal credit

Unfortunately, many payment processors will judge your business’s creditworthiness based on your personal credit score. If you have bad or no credit, you’ll probably face denials or much higher fees. High risk providers focus primarily on your business’s financials and future potential. They understand new businesses often struggle at first and owners may have faced personal setbacks.

You need higher processing limits

Standard payment processors often have strict limits on monthly sales volume, average transaction size, and maximum transaction amount. If your business frequently exceeds these limits, a high risk provider can accommodate much higher processing volumes and larger transactions. They have the infrastructure to handle the increased activity and risks associated with it.

Applying for a high risk merchant account may seem intimidating, but the rewards can be significant. At, we make the application process straightforward and provide personalized support to get your business approved and accepting payments as quickly as possible. Our flexible, high-volume accounts and chargeback management tools are tailored for businesses operating in risky industries. Don’t let a standard payment processor hold your business back—take the leap into a high risk merchant account.

Benefits of Getting Your High Risk Merchant Account

Fast Approval Process specializes in high risk merchant accounts, so they understand your business needs. They can get you approved and set up to start accepting payments within 48 hours. No more waiting weeks or months only to get denied by other processors.’s streamlined underwriting process gets you up and running fast.

Competitive Rates offers competitive rates for high risk businesses. They don’t gouge you just because your business is considered “high risk.” In fact, their rates are often lower than traditional processors. They can also provide seasonal rates if your business experiences fluctuations at different times of the year.

High-Quality Customer Service

With, you get a dedicated account manager and customer service team to help you every step of the way. They provide support 24/7 to keep your business running smoothly. Whether you have questions about your account, need help troubleshooting a payment issue, or want advice on how to grow your sales, their experienced staff has you covered.

Robust Features

In addition to payment processing, offers useful tools and features for your high risk business. These include a payment gateway to easily accept payments on your website, a virtual terminal to securely process payments over the phone, recurring billing options, shopping cart integrations, and more. They provide everything you need to operate your business.

Overall, is the perfect solution for high risk businesses looking for a processor that truly understands their needs. They make it easy to get approved, offer affordable rates, provide high-quality support, and give you access to time-saving features. If you want to focus on growing your business rather than dealing with payment hassles, is the way to go.

Applying for a High Risk Merchant Account at

Getting approved for a high risk merchant account isn’t always easy, but aims to make the process as simple as possible. When you apply on their website, you’ll need to provide some basic information about your business like your business name, address, and industry. Be prepared to share details about your business model, products and services, and customer base. The more transparent you can be up front, the faster your application can be approved.

Application review

Once you submit your application, will review your information to determine if you meet their criteria for approval. This typically takes between 1 to 3 business days. They evaluate factors like your business’s financial stability, credit score, time in business, and chargeback rate. If everything looks good, you’ll receive an approval notification and can get started setting up your merchant account right away.

Providing additional documentation

In some cases, may need more details to fully review your application. They may request documents like bank statements, tax returns, or supplier invoices. While it can seem tedious, providing this additional documentation is the best way to demonstrate your business is legitimate and set up for success. The review team just wants to make sure a high risk merchant account is the right solution for you, so be prepared to provide whatever details they need.

Once approved, you’ll gain access to a high risk merchant account tailored to your business needs. offers competitive rates and charges no application or setup fees. Their dedicated account management team is available 24/7 to help you get started processing payments right away. If you do encounter issues with chargebacks or fraud in the future, they are experienced in handling high risk accounts and will work closely with you on solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

A high risk merchant account with is the ideal solution if you’ve struggled to get approved elsewhere. Their streamlined application process and hands-on support make them a trusted partner for businesses in high risk or emerging industries. With lower rates and better terms, you can focus on growing your company knowing your payment processing is in good hands.

FAQs: Getting Approved for a High Risk Merchant Account at

How long does the application process take?

The application process typically takes 3 to 5 business days. will review your business information and documentation to determine if you qualify for a high risk merchant account. Providing complete and accurate information upfront will help speed up the review process.

What information do I need to provide?

To apply for a high risk merchant account, you will need to provide business documentation like your business license or incorporation papers, a voided check to link your business bank account, and personal identification for business owners. will also evaluate your business model, products and services, and projected processing volumes to determine if you qualify for an account.

What types of high risk businesses do you provide accounts for? specializes in high risk merchant accounts for businesses like e-commerce retailers, travel companies, telemarketers, online gaming sites, and tech support companies. We also provide accounts for credit repair services, online pharmacies, and businesses. If your business is considered “high risk” due to the nature of your products or services, high volume sales, or higher chargeback ratios, can help.

What processing solutions do you offer? offers payment processing solutions for both card-present and card-not-present businesses. We provide merchant accounts for accepting credit and debit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We also offer offshore merchant accounts, payment gateways with fraud protection, and a virtual terminal to help you accept payments on the go. will work with you to determine the right solutions based on your business needs.

How much will it cost?

Pricing for a high risk merchant account will depend on several factors like your business type, sales volume, and processing history. does not charge application or set up fees. We offer interchange-plus pricing, a monthly minimum fee starting at $25, and a monthly statement fee of $10. Additional fees may apply for chargebacks, retrievals, and account terminations. We aim to provide competitive pricing for high risk businesses. Please contact us for a custom quote based on your business needs.


You know your business deserves the chance to accept credit cards, even if it falls into a high-risk category. Don’t let the banks and processors scare you away with denials and sky-high fees. With the right partner like, you can get approved for fair rates and start reaping the rewards of accepting cards. Sure, it takes some extra paperwork and patience to get a high risk merchant account, but the increase in sales will be well worth the effort. Contact their team today to get your application started and be on your way to a more profitable future.



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